Gardasil is a vaccine that was developed to prevent certain strains of human papillomavirus (HPV), which can cause cervical cancer and other types of cancer, including genital warts. The vaccine is usually recommended for both males and females between the ages of 9 and 26, with the aim of preventing HPV cancers and other diseases.

Close up of a doctor holding a syringe before injecting a patient in a medical mask.
How Is Gardasil Administered?
Gardasil is administered as a vaccine in three doses. The second dose is given two months after the first one, and the third dose is given six months after the first.
When the vaccine is administered, providers ask patients to remain seated for a short period of time. This is to monitor any immediate reactions or side effects because there is a possibility that something can go wrong.
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How Effective Is Gardasil?
Gardasil is believed to greatly reduce the risk of HPV-related cancers. However, it is still possible to contract HPV after receiving the vaccine.
The vaccine may provide some level of protection and may help reduce the severity of an HPV infection. However, it is not 100% effective and is not guaranteed to prevent or reduce the effects of an HPV infection.
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Isn’t Gardasil FDA-Approved?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first approved Gardasil in 2006. The FDA then granted priority review status to Gardasil’s application. This allowed a faster review process, which is normally given to drugs that treat serious conditions and offer significant improvements over existing treatments.
The FDA approved the Gardasil vaccine less than six months after the creators had submitted an application, which is a relatively fast timeline for drug approval.
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Why Are There So Many Lawsuits Against Merck?
Lawsuits against Merck began soon after the vaccine was approved for use, but they have increased significantly over the years. A majority of lawsuits have been filed in the United States by individuals who have been injured or harmed as a result of receiving the vaccine, or by the families of individuals who have died after receiving the vaccine.
When the Gardasil vaccine enters the body, the immune system is supposed to recognize the HPV proteins as foreign and attack them. However, there are many claims that people who have received the vaccine have experienced a range of serious side effects and adverse reactions that are long-lasting. These alleged serious side effects include:
- Neurological disorders
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Chronic Pain
- Blood clots
- Seizures
- Anaphylaxis
- Death
There are other claims that the manufacturers of Gardasil failed to adequately warn patients and healthcare providers. Risks were not properly disclosed, and the trials before approval were not sufficient. Due to the harm Gardasil has caused, more people are seeking to hold the company accountable for its actions.
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Has Gardasil Been Recalled?
In December 2009, Gardasil was recalled due to a labeling error of approximately 10 lots that could have led to confusion about which vial was which. In December 2013, Gardasil was recalled due to a defective batch. Batch number J0007354 was discovered to be contaminated with small glass particles that occurred during the manufacturing process and was considered to pose a safety risk to patients.
Again, in October 2020, there was another recall due to storing the vaccines at unsuitable temperatures. Overall, Gardasil being recalled several times has contributed to long-term safety concerns about the vaccine.
Can I File a Lawsuit if I Suffered Harm from Gardasil?
If you believe that you or a loved one have suffered harm as a result of the Gardasil vaccine, you should consult with one of our specialized attorneys in vaccine injury cases as we will be able to help you determine if you have a valid legal claim and advise you of your best options.
Vaccine injury cases can be complex, and it may be difficult to prove a causal link between the vaccine and your alleged injuries. However, at Van Law Firm, one of our experienced attorneys can help you navigate the legal process, and we will work to recover compensation for any damages you may have suffered.
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