For many women, contraception is an important part of their healthcare. The methods used to prevent pregnancy can vary, with many women choosing the long-lasting option known as an intrauterine device (IUD).
Unfortunately, injury risks have been discovered with the use and removal of Paragard intrauterine devices. Paragard has been a popular option for years, as it is the only non-hormonal IUD on the market. However, serious injuries caused by these devices have resulted in Mass Torts Lawyer lawsuits. If you were hurt by one of these devices, a mass torts lawyer from Van Law is here to help.
Legal action regarding Paragard devices is ongoing. Here are the most recent lawsuit updates.
July 2023
With roughly one year until the first trial regarding Paragard IUD injuries, the number of lawsuits against the manufacturer continues to grow. The total number of cases involved in multidistrict litigation reached 2,063. Multidistrict litigation, or MDL, is the process the courts use to combine many similar cases from across the country into a single district to simplify the court process.
June 2023
With the prospect of trial approaching, the courts could soon select the bellwether cases that will be decided first. In mass tort cases with a large number of plaintiffs, the courts typically try a handful of “bellwether cases” to give both sides a picture of what large-scale litigation might look like. Settlements often occur following a bellwether trial.
February 2023
The initial plan to determine the first 10 trials related to Paragard IUD injuries has been set. These bellwether cases are set to be heard in 2024.
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Why Is the Removal of a Paragard IUD Dangerous?
The major risks of Paragard IUDs involve the removal of the devices. The primary issue is the potential for the device to break as it is being removed from the body. These risks increase over time, as breakage is more likely for devices that have been left inserted for long periods.
The Paragard IUD is a T-shaped device largely made from plastic. The plastic arms that form the “T” shape become brittle as time passes, making them more likely to snap upon removal. The end result is splinters of broken plastic left in the body.
The splinters can cause serious damage, as they are likely to embed themselves in the reproductive organs. Over time, the shards of plastic can damage the reproductive organs to such a degree that a hysterectomy becomes necessary.
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A 2015 Study Outlines the Hazards of Paragard IUDs
The risks associated with Paragard IUDs were spelled out in a 2015 study in the Open Journal of Clinical & Medical Case Reports. While the study notes that IUDs are generally considered safe, it also highlights that the number of defective devices is growing and likely underreported.
Additionally, the study notes that the vast majority of cases of injuries caused by defective IUDs involved Paragard copper IUDs. The majority of these injuries occur with IUDs that have been implanted for a number of years before their removal. However, the study does not consider whether these devices degraded while implanted in the body.
This study is important, but it only scratches the surface of how Paragard IUDs have impacted patients for years. Additional details could be laid out when the first set of bellwether trials are heard.
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Has the Paragard IUD Been Recalled?
To date, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to take any action regarding Paragard IUDs. This is despite the growing number of injuries reported during the removal of Paragard devices across the country. Not only has the FDA not recalled any of these devices, but the agency has not provided any kind of guidance at all regarding potential defects.
That said, it is important to remember that a recall is not necessary for a personal injury lawsuit to be successful. A civil claim could result in financial compensation whether the FDA has recognized the defect or not.
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Compensation for a Paragard IUD Injury Lawsuit
If your Paragard IUD injury lawsuit is successful, you could recover different types of financial compensation. This financial compensation could include the following damages:
Medical Expenses
You could be entitled to recover the cost of your medical care following a Paragard IUD injury lawsuit. The extent of this care will vary depending on how the defect impacted your health. In addition to the surgical procedures needed to remove the broken pieces of the IUD, you might also require treatment for additional injuries or infections. In some cases, a total hysterectomy might be necessary. The cost of this procedure could be covered with a civil lawsuit.
Pain and Suffering
Having pieces of plastic embedded within your reproductive organs can be painful, especially if scar tissue accumulates over time. This pain could provide you with the basis for a monetary award if your lawsuit is successful.
Lost Wages
The pain and other health consequences you experience could make it impossible for you to return to work right away after your IUD is removed. If you were forced to miss work for this reason, you might be entitled to a monetary award. This monetary award could cover the past and future lost wages caused by your injury.
Talk to an Attorney About Injuries Stemming from Your Paragard Device
If you are experiencing pain following the removal of a Paragard IUD, you might be dealing with the consequences of a defective device. By pursuing a Paragard IUD injury lawsuit, you could recover compensation for the physical, financial, and emotional harm you have suffered.
Let the team at Van Law assist you with your case against the manufacturer of Paragard IUDs. The experienced mass tort lawyers at our firm understand the litigation process, and we look forward to advocating on your behalf.
Contact us today for your free consultation. We’ll handle your case and work to get the highest settlement we can to earn justice on your behalf.
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