After an accident occurs on someone else’s property due to a slip and accident or negligent security, for example, a Las Vegas premises liability lawyer can help you file an insurance claim or a civil lawsuit to recover damages for various losses, including:
- Physical injuries and symptoms
- Emotional distress and emotional trauma
- Monetary losses and expenditures
- The wrongful death of a loved one
Premises Liability Injuries Can Be Devastating
Property owners have a legal obligation to keep their land free from hazards and potential risks. If they fail to ensure their property is free of unsafe conditions for guests and other parties legally allowed on the property, you could suffer various physical injuries, including:
- Muscle strains or sprains
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Nerve damage
- Spinal injuries, including spinal cord injuries
- Deep cuts and lacerations
- Bone fractures
Physical Injuries and Your Damages
The consequences of these and other injuries can entitle you to compensation based on:
- Your injury symptoms, including pain and immobility
- Permanent scarring or marks
- A physical disability, such as paralysis
- An intellectual disability caused by blunt force trauma or oxygen deprivation
Compensation for slip and fall and other premises liability incidents should consider the severity of your injuries. For example, permanent disabilities may be worth more than temporary pain.
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The Emotional Toll of a Premises Liability Accident
Visiting another person’s property should not endanger your health. Unfortunately, in all too many situations, a property owner’s negligence can lead to traumatizing events, such as:
- Swimming pool accidents
- Slip or trip and fall accidents
- Blunt force trauma from falling objects
- A deck, patio, or stairway collapse
Mental Anguish and Your Premises Liability Case
Experiencing an event like the above may increase your risk of psychological distress, including mental illnesses like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As the Mayo Clinic explains, “serious injury” and “actual or threatened death” could trigger PTSD.
As part of your possible recoverable damages in a premises liability case, you should ask the negligent party to reimburse you for the following:
- Fear and anguish
- New or worsened mental illness
- The unhappiness or distress that comes with being able to do all of the things you did before
Monetary Losses From a Premises Liability Injury
There are two main ways that a premises liability incident can cost you money: by reducing your income or increasing expenses. You can recover compensation for both kinds of losses.
Premises Liability Injuries and Your Career
The effect an injury has on your professional life will depend on the job you have and the injury you sustained. A premises liability lawyer can calculate the financial impact of:
- A temporary loss of wages or job benefits (e.g., pension payments or health insurance)
- A long-term reduction in earning capacity (e.g., if you must shift from full- to part-time work permanently)
- Being disqualified from certain raises, promotions, or positions because of a permanent disability
Expenses Associated With Premises Liability Cases
An unexpected injury can cost you a lot of money. You should not have to worry about paying your bills at a time like this. As part of a premises liability case, you can ask the careless property owner to cover:
- All medical costs stemming from the accident, including ongoing rehabilitative costs (e.g., physical therapy), prescription costs, plus travel expenses for medical appointments
- Repair expenses, if a valuable object (e.g., your vehicle) was damaged while on another person’s property
- Replacement expenses, if the property damage was so extensive that you had to replace the damaged object
- The cost of hiring other people to do jobs you were once responsible for, such as mowing the lawn, walking your dog, or cleaning the house
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Fatal Premises Liability Injuries and Your Case
Losing a loved one because of a property owner’s negligence is devastating, traumatizing, and completely unacceptable. If you file a wrongful death lawsuit, you could recover economic and non-economic damages like:
- The loss of your loved one’s presence and companionship and the emotional benefits you got out of your relationship
- The loss of your loved one’s income, particularly if you depended on them financially
- All end-of-life expenses that you had to cover, including funeral costs, cremation and/or burial expenses, or attorney’s fees you paid to settle estate issues
Recovering Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Damages Simultaneously
If you suffered injuries in the same event that fatally injured your loved one, you may file for damages based on your individual suffering and the suffering inflicted by your loved one’s death.
Alternately, you may still be entitled to personal injury damages even if you did not sustain an injury: if your loved one never completed a legal action of their own, you can seek compensation for their physical, mental, and financial pain in addition to the wrongful death damages listed above.
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Why Should You Seek Damages Through a Premises Liability Case?
Premises liability means someone else who owns the property where you were injured is responsible for taking reasonable measures to prevent accidents like yours. If they fail to do so, they could be held liable for breaching their legal duty to keep their property safe and guests safe.
By pursuing damages, you are also pursuing justice by:
- Forcing the liable party to acknowledge and pay for the harm they have caused
- Helping your family recover the money you need to start fresh after your accident
- Demonstrating to other owners that there are consequences for failing to maintain their properties
- Highlighting possible issues in your community that lawmakers should address to reduce the risk of similar incidents happening again
Making Sure Your Premises Liability Case Is Handled Right
You likely have only one chance to hold the at-fault party accountable for fair compensation. If you make a mistake, such as filing the wrong form or forgetting to ask for all the necessary damages, you may not achieve the desired outcome.
A premises liability lawyer can manage your personal injury case from beginning to end. You can navigate the legal system with their assistance with as little stress as possible.
We Can File Your Premises Liability Damages Case – Call for a Free Consultation
Van Law Firm’s premises liability attorneys will lead your case for financial recovery after a premises liability accident. By hiring our team, you can demand the damages you are due without doing all the legal work yourself.
Call us for a free case evaluation today. We are ready to start on your case and help you collect all the compensation that you and your family need.
No obligation consultations are always free.
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