If you suffered a slip-and-fall injury while at the airport, a premises liability lawyer can help you pursue compensation. While each case is different, your slip-and-fall injury lawyer in Las Vegas can assist you with various tasks, including:
- Collecting evidence against one or more liable parties
- Communicating with the liable party and their insurance company about your case
- Negotiating for a fair settlement
- Taking your case to court, if necessary
Slip-and-Fall Injury Lawyers Help People After Airport Injuries
Your first step towards pursuing compensation should be hiring a personal injury lawyer. Working with a slip-and-fall lawyer may be worth it if:
- Your injuries make it hard for you to concentrate on complicated matters.
- You are unfamiliar with premises liability laws in your state.
- You are worried about talking to the responsible party or dealing with an insurance company.
What Happens When You Hire a Slip-and-Fall Attorney to Handle Your Case?
Hiring a law firm to handle your case means you no longer have to concern yourself with the day-to-day aspects of filing a legal action. Your personal injury lawyer can walk you through the entire legal process.
In the meantime, you can focus on receiving medical care, spending time with loved ones, and planning next steps.
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Proving Liability After an Airport Slip-and-fall Injury
Before you can pursue compensation for severe injuries suffered in an airport slip-and-fall, you must determine who to sue. This is not always as easy as it sounds because:
- Airports are very large and busy places. A lot is happening at once, and the situation can change quickly.
- Airports may rent or lease spaces to other businesses, like bars or restaurants. If your injury occurred in a leased space, the airport may not bear sole responsibility.
- Relatively few of the people you meet at an airport actually work there. What happens if a fellow traveler contributed to your injury?
Your airport slip-and-fall injury lawyer can help you with all aspects of your case, including identifying the liable party and determining which laws apply to your personal injury claim or lawsuit.
Evidence for Pursuing Compensation for Your Injury
Your legal representative can investigate the accident to determine which party failed to meet the “reasonable person standard.” The legal system uses this standard to determine whether negligence is involved in any given case. Your personal injury attorney might seek evidence like:
- Video footage that shows the liable party’s negligent behavior
- Photographs of an unsafe environment or dangerous conditions, such as slippery floors or inadequate lighting
- Witness testimony that confirms negligence contributed to the slip-and-fall accident
- The airport’s records, including any prior complaints regarding negligence
This and other evidence can also help to establish your case’s monetary value, i.e., how much you should sue for.
Asking the Liable Party for Slip-and-Fall Compensation
Once your slip-and-fall accident lawyer has built up the strongest possible case, it is time for them to contact the at-fault party. Usually, this means sending a demand letter to the at-fault party or their insurance company.
Slip-and-Fall Demand Letters
A demand letter is a straightforward document that informs the liable party of the key facts regarding your case, including:
- A brief description of the incident in question, including the liable party’s role in causing it
- What injuries and losses you suffered because of the accident, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering
- How much money you believe you deserve
- What actions you want or expect the liable party to take in response to your letter
Pursuing Negotiations for Your Slip-and-Fall Settlement
Personal injury lawsuits represent a big expenditure of time and money for insurance companies. In most cases, they are willing to offer a settlement to resolve your case and avoid going to court. If this happens, your personal injury attorney can:
- Review the settlement offer to ensure it is fair to you
- Arrange to meet with the insurer and negotiate for a better amount, if necessary
- Show the insurer proof that your case is strong and encourage them to settle now rather than risk losing at trial
Getting Slip-and-Fall Compensation Through a Court Case
It is unlikely that your case will go to court. However, going to trial may be a useful way to pursue compensation from a negligent party if:
- Your lawyer feels your case is strong enough to hold up in court.
- The liable party refuses to make a fair settlement offer.
- The liable party engaged previously but has since stopped cooperating.
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Working Within Time Limits to Pursue Slip-and-Fall Accident Compensation
You have a limited amount of time to pursue compensation after a slip-and-fall injury at an airport. The deadline you must follow is dictated by state law and varies around the country. For instance, Nevada gives you two years, per NRS § 11.190(4)(e), while Washington State gives you three years, per RCW § 4.16.080.
What Do Time Limits Mean for My Airport Slip-and-Fall Case?
If you do not start your case when the state says you should, you lose all rights to pursue compensation. While a court may make exceptions for someone with an especially good reason for delaying their case, you should not rely on that happening.
To learn more about your state’s deadlines, you can contact a premises liability lawyer who serves your area. They can tell you what the time limit is and help you start your case on time.
Other Time Limits Involved in Slip-and-Fall Injury Cases
You may also want to set a few deadlines of your own. For example, how long should you wait for a response to your demand letter? How long do you want your lawyer to keep trying to negotiate before you consider going to trial?
You have every right to pursue economic and non-economic damages, and a personal injury law firm can help you exercise that right to the fullest. Your legal team can ensure that neither the airport nor the insurance company try to bully you into a lowball settlement.
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We Can Help You Pursue Compensation After an Airport Slip-and-Fall Accident
Van Law helps people like you pursue compensation after life-altering accidents. If you suffered a slip-and-fall injury at an airport, we want to hear from you. Contact our law firm today for a free case review. Rest assured that you will pay no attorney’s fees until you get your money.
No obligation consultations are always free.
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