The time limit to file a sex abuse lawsuit in Washington State is typically three years, but a lot of leeway is built into the statute of limitations. In addition, legislation introduced in 2023 may eliminate the deadline for taking civil action for sexual abuse entirely.
If you are a sexual abuse survivor, you can hold your abuser (or the institution that harbored them) financially accountable for losses you have suffered. A Washington sexual abuse lawyer with our firm can help. Read on to learn more about sexual abuse lawsuits and how long you have to pursue economic justice.
Washington State’s Sex Abuse Statute of Limitations
Because lawmakers recognize that survivors of sex abuse, especially survivors of child sexual abuse, face many difficulties when coming forward, flexibility is built into Washington State’s statute of limitations. According to RCW § 4.16.340, your time limit for pursuing a sex abuse civil lawsuit begins at the latter of one of three starting points:
- Three years from when the abuse occurred
- Three years from the time of discovery or when the survivor reasonably should have discovered that their injury or condition resulted from abuse
- Three years from when the survivor discovered that abuse caused the injury for which they are bringing a claim
Essentially, this wording allows a window for survivors of sexual abuse to recognize or recall their experiences of abuse and connect the incident to their current injuries or suffering.
In addition, HB 1618, introduced in 2023, is working its way through Washington’s legislature. If successful, this measure would eliminate the current statute of limitations for child sexual abuse lawsuits altogether.
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Washington’s Time Limits Reflect Challenges Sexual Abuse Survivors Face When Coming Forward
Washington is just one of many states to recently extend its time limit for taking legal action for sex abuse. Changes in the laws reflect the understanding that there are many valid reasons survivors often struggle to disclose abuse when it happens.
According to Psychology Today, child sex abuse survivors commonly feel guilt, shame, or blame themselves for what they experience. Abusers are often someone the child knows, like a family member, religious leader, or teacher, and the child may feel reluctant about telling and getting them into trouble. Children may also fear the perpetrator or their actions if they were to tell.
Additionally, children may experience confusion about what is happening or not have enough knowledge to recognize the perpetrator’s actions as abusive. It is also not unusual for survivors to disassociate or repress memories of abuse.
Sex Abuse Can Affect Survivors’ Physical and Mental Health
Sex abuse can cause a range of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that can affect all areas of a survivor’s life, from their ability to work to how they form relationships. According to the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (WCSAP), common side effects of sexual violence include the following forms of physical and emotional harm:
- Disordered eating
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Difficulty concentrating
- Substance abuse problems
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Unintended pregnancy
- Nightmares
- Flashbacks
- Chronic pain and health issues
- Panic attacks
- Sleep disturbances
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You Can Seek Compensation for Losses You’ve Suffered Because of Sex Abuse
You should not have to suffer financial hardships caused by sex abuse. A Washington personal injury lawyer with our firm can help you file an insurance claim or lawsuit to recover civil damages. Compensation for sexual abuse may include the following:
- Medical expenses
- Medical damages may include the cost of medical bills incurred while the abuse was happening and ongoing treatment for injuries and illnesses connected to the abuse
- Medical expenses encompass physical and mental health care
- Medical damages may include the cost of medical bills incurred while the abuse was happening and ongoing treatment for injuries and illnesses connected to the abuse
- Lost income
- Abuse and its long-term side effects can interfere with survivors’ abilities to maintain gainful employment
- You can seek compensation for lost wages
- Abuse and its long-term side effects can interfere with survivors’ abilities to maintain gainful employment
- Pain and suffering
- Pain and suffering damages compensate for intangible losses, including chronic pain, scarring, disfigurement, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment, and other quality-of-life reductions
- Wrongful death
- If your loved one died because of an abuse-related injury or illness, a wrongful death lawyer with our firm can assist with recovering losses on behalf of the estate and surviving family members
- Compensation may include medical bills, funeral and burial expenses, and loss of the deceased’s love, affection, and companionship
- If your loved one died because of an abuse-related injury or illness, a wrongful death lawyer with our firm can assist with recovering losses on behalf of the estate and surviving family members
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Parties You Can Hold Liable With a Sex Abuse Lawsuit in Washington
You can hold abusers accountable with a sexual abuse lawsuit. However, you may also be able to pursue an insurance claim or lawsuit against those who aided and abetted them or worked to conceal their actions. Depending on the circumstances of your case, potentially liable parties may include:
- Schools and universities
- Daycares and after-school programs
- Churches
- Medical facilities
- Mental health facilities
- Jails or juvenile detention centers
- Sporting organizations
- Scouting organizations
- An abuser’s employer
How Can an Attorney Help With Your Sex Abuse Lawsuit?
We understand that no amount of money will right the wrongs committed against you. However, seeking compensation for damages caused by sexual crimes can provide you with much-needed financial resources and a measure of justice.
A sex abuse lawyer with our firm can stand by your side throughout the legal process. We will protect your rights and do everything in our power to take the burden of your case off your shoulders. We can:
- Help you understand how Washington State’s statute of limitations applies to your sex abuse lawsuit
- Gather evidence and testimony to support your claim
- Determine at-fault parties and pursue a case against all involved individuals and entities
- Identify and calculate your economic and non-economic damages
- Manage case-related communications, paperwork, and deadlines
- Aggressively negotiate for the maximum compensation possible
- Represent you in civil court during a sexual abuse lawsuit if necessary
Contact Van Law About Your Sex Abuse Case
You can hold those who harmed you financially responsible for their wrongful actions in civil court, and Van Law can assist you every step of the way. Our dedicated personal injury law firm focuses on helping those harmed by others’ wrongful and negligent actions seek justice. It would be our honor to help you obtain the monetary resources you need to move your life forward.
Contact us for a free consultation. We take cases on contingency, meaning our services will cost you nothing upfront or out of pocket. Connect with a Washington sex abuse lawyer near you today.
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