If you fall and are hurt after slipping on a wet surface or tripping on an object, you may be able to file a personal injury claim or premises liability claim for damages. These accidents generally happen when a property owner has not properly maintained the property and has allowed some hazard to exist. Some examples of slip and fall accidents include:
- Slipping on a puddle of water or other wet substance on the floor of a store
- Tripping on a poorly maintained curb in front of a store
- Stumbling over an uneven floor or sidewalk
- Falling due to torn carpeting
- Tripping on an object that is left in an aisle in a store
- Falling down stairs because there is no handrail where one is needed
If you are in a situation like this and are injured as a result, there are a few things that you should do to boost your chances of receiving a personal injury settlement.
Actions to Take After Your Slip and Fall Accident
There are many things you should do after a slip and fall accident. The suggestions below will guide you and can be used as a checklist. After a slip and fall accident, your adrenaline and emotions will be high. Van Law Firm is here to help you, starting with providing this information.
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Safety First – Check to See if You Are Injured
Your safety is top priority. If you are in a slip and fall accident, you should first check to see if you are hurt. Slip and fall accidents can result in serious injuries, especially to your head, neck and back. Injuries to the hands, wrists, and elbows are common because people instinctively try to catch themselves when falling.
Be aware of any pain or unfamiliar sensations in your body. If necessary, you should call emergency medical services. It is always better to be safe than sorry. You may not feel pain immediately due to the high adrenaline spike after your fall, so it is always a good idea to be checked by a medical provider.
Inform an Employee or Owner and Have a Report Made
You should always notify an employee or owner that you have been injured. Whether you’ve fallen in a store or on private property, you should inform someone in charge. That way, they have notice of the condition that caused you to fall and they can make an official report of the incident.
It is important to document the event while it is fresh in everyone’s minds as memories will fade over time. Be careful not to admit any fault, as any report will be admissible in your case later, and fault will have to be determined after an appropriate time period for investigation and evidence gathering.
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Take Pictures
After notifying someone that you have fallen, you should take pictures of the whole area where you fell. Include pictures of the condition that caused you to fall, whether it is a substance or an uneven surface as well as any visible injuries that you have.
Remember to take pictures from further away, looking at the hazard and any caution signs that are there. It may be important to determine later if the condition was readily visible or not. Make sure that you take photographs of whatever made you fall before an employee or manager cleans up or removes it. If you cannot take pictures due to an injury, have a witness take them using your phone or have someone nearby take pictures and text them to you.
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Gather Other Evidence
If anyone witnessed you fall down, ask them to make a statement and for their name and contact information. Make sure to write down other information, such as who you spoke to at the store, what time of day the incident happened, and whether or not the employees or managers made a report. Write down the store contact information so you can get a copy of the incident report later.
Look around to see if there are any security or surveillance cameras and take photos of them and where they are in relation to where you fell. Remember to get all this information before you leave, as it will be much more difficult or impossible to track this information down later.
Go to a Hospital or a Doctor
Even if you don’t have clear and immediate injuries, injuries from the fall may start to emerge in the days following the incident. It is important to go to a doctor so they can diagnose and begin to treat any underlying injuries.
A doctor can do tests such as x-rays and MRI scans to look for internal injuries such as broken bones or dislocations. If you don’t feel that you need emergency treatment at a hospital, follow up with your personal physician.
Contact an Attorney
Finally, you should contact a slip and fall attorney so they can evaluate your claim. You may be able to receive compensation for your injuries either through a settlement with the property owner’s insurance company or through a lawsuit.
The experienced attorneys at Van Law Firm can help. Call us today for a free consultation on your slip and fall case so you can get the compensation you deserve.
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